Saturday, December 31, 2016

New Year's Eve

So, it's New Year's Eve. That time where everyone says "New year new me". It's a little ridiculous because nothing changes but the date on the calendar. Which means I've got at least 3 months until I correctly write the year on anything that I sign, email, literally, anything. But, let's take a quick look back at 2016 for me.

I did a lot this year. It seems like it was a long one but at the same time, like it flew. It's funny how life does that. We dealt with a lot of things with the kids this year. Em's ADD has been up and down, as well as her attitude. Typical 12-13 year old right? Not much has changed with Ashton. He's still my guy. I hope that doesn't change when he becomes a smelly insufferable teenager. Rob has been fantastic. He's been picking up slack and holding it down for the almost 3/4 of the year I was traveling.We've all dealt with mental health struggles here and there. We're all learning to live with them and each other. But the awesome thing is, we're all in it together.

Now work, my fourth family member. I got to go to Vegas and help work an awesome conference. I was exhausted but it was well with it. Hopefully, I get to go again. I took a new job as a Team Lead of a team that moved me across the country. To a suburb of Austin Texas to be exact. I have awesome coworkers who I love like an extension of my family. I've gotten a promotion, a couple new bosses, and my life has turned upside down. All is well. I love it.

Looking ahead, I can't wait to see what the new year holds for me. Like I said, nothing is going to change just because of the calendar, but on January 1st, I like a little reset.

I've been working on my health. Kind of a half assed attempt but it's going well. I want to throw my whole ass into it now. I want to be healthy and well, I wouldn't hate the improved appearance as a result as well ;). So yes, I'm making a few resolutions. Not just because it's New Year's, but because I'm resetting and I actually made them a month ago. So here are my life resolutions and things I want to change.
  • I will take better care of myself. I'll take time for me. You can't pour from an empty bucket. 
  • I want to start learning some Spanish and add to any sign language I know. I think it'd be helpful to know these two. 
  • I want to take the time to read more. I used to just get lost in books for hours. Now I get lost in my Facebook feed. 
  • I want to keep doing more and more with my kids. This is home now. We need to get out and do things! 
  • I want to be a tourist in my own area. I took a drive down South Congress this week and it was so neat. I want to see every single thing I possibly can. 
  • I want to plan a trip to Europe. - Nuff said. 
  • I want to drive to New Orleans this year. 
  • I want to Live. Not merely exist. 
These aren't New Year's resolutions so there are no deadlines, but these are things I want to do to enrich my life. I want to do these for me. No one else. I'm not just a mom, wife, daughter, granddaughter. I'm a whole person. I want to be more whole. This is my plan...

Oh one more thing.... Blog! I want to blog and get my thoughts out. I want to write. What I'm going through, what I'm excited about, what ridiculous thing I saw out and about... etc. You get the idea. So look forward to my ramblings. There are more to come.